Video Interviewing 101.

We’ve been relying on video a lot more recently, I guess because it’s the next best alternative to meeting in person. So, here’s my ultimate guide on how you can nail your video interviews 👊.

  • Prep, prep, prep. It’s no different to a face to face interview (except you’re not physically in the same room, obvs) - so don’t get complacent. Get off TikTok or wherever you waste away the hours and do some research. Make sure you know what the role entails, you’ve looked up the company and who you’re being interviewed by, and think of some good examples to use during your chat.

  • Set your space. Try and find a quiet spot in your house (not the shoe cupboard though 🧀) and make sure you feel comfortable and the lighting is decent. No one wants to look creepy.

  • Practice. Don’t worry if you feel silly, get that out the way before the main event. If you’re a video virgin or not used to being on camera, it can be weird to see yourself while you’re talking. You can get distracted and focus more on yourself than the interview. Do this first, you’ll thank me later.

  • Make an effort. I know we’ve all accepted the baggy sweatshirt and jogger look, but you can save that for Instagram. Remember, this is an interview so it needs to be professional (feel free to rock the half 👔 /half PJ look though).

  • Warn others in your household. To minimise the risk of disruption, make sure whoever you live with knows you have an important meeting. The last thing you need is your son running in with his pants on his head pretending to be Spiderman 😩.

  • “Hello. Can you hear me?” 👂Don’t do an Adele. Make sure your equipment works. Do a test run, make sure your webcam is set up and working (are webcams even a thing anymore?) Whatever you’re using, just make sure it works!

  • Don’t use backgrounds. I know it’s fun to pretend you’re in the Bahamas with swimming 🐷 but save that for your family quiz nights. Keep it simple.

  • Show up on time. What excuse do you have? Oops, sorry I hit the 9am internet traffic, bloody rush hour. I was waiting for the kettle to boil. Just no. Log in to the call a few minutes early, you don’t want to be faffing around.

  • Maintain eye contact. This one can play havoc with your brain, like asking you to do one thing but meaning something else. You need to think of the camera lens as the interviewer’s eyes. But don’t try too hard with this, otherwise you might accidentally look like a serial killer 🙈.

  • Don’t google answers during the interview. Yes, this sh*t actually happens! I’ve experienced it first-hand and it’s safe to say, they didn’t get the job. If you don’t know an answer to a question, be honest. Don’t fake it because you won’t make it, be yourself.

  • Take a moment. Let the interviewer finish speaking before you start. It’s awks as hell when you talk over each other so try your best to avoid it.

  • Be aware of your body language. You’re on video, but you don’t need to overcompensate. Nodding excessively will not only give you a bad neck, but can make you look disengaged and a bit “nodding 🐶” like. Sit up, look sharp, and be confident ✅.

So, now you’re equipped and ready to smash that video interview. 

You’ve got this.

Allys Parsons